Is it a Trend? Or Is it Timeless?

As they say with everything, trends of the past come and go. Who can forget the lifecycle of big shoulder pads and faded jeans?  Or the Fat-Free Food and Boho-Chic Trends? While all these are great for a while, they fade and are soon taken over by the next “fad.”

Timeless classics are something quite different. Timeless classics are admired by most and never seem to fade away. Think mid-century designed homes, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Chanel tweed suits and French Fries with ketchup (a personal favorite).

Many trends are created by what the “celebs of the moment” are wearing on the red carpet to award shows, luxury events and movie premieres. However, many pair their latest trend with a timeless classic that is always beautiful and reliable.  At Valobra Master Jewelers, we feel jewelry can stand for both – a vibrant statement piece that will also stand the test of time and last for decades to come.

Here is a list of our favorite Trends and Timeless Classics so far in 2021 –

“As Seen on the Red Carpet at the 2021 Grammy Awards” vs. “As Seen at Valobra Master Jewelers”


LizzoDiamond Drop Lariat Necklace, Stacked Bracelets, Chandelier Earrings

Valobra Master Jewelers –


Debi NovaMulti Strand Choker Necklace

Valobra Master Jewelers –
H.E.R. – Diamond Drop Lariat Necklace



Valobra Master Jewelers –

Ingrid Andress Multi Strand Diamond Necklace, Statement Earrings


Valobra Master Jewelers –
Tiara ThomasLayered Necklaces, Stacked Bracelets


Valobra Master Jewelers –




Mapy Violinist | The Violin QueenChandelier Earrings



Valobra Master Jewelers –



Megan the StallionDiamond Ring, Wide Diamond Bracelet, Statement Necklace


Houston, Texas Native

Valobra Master Jewelers –



 Tish CyrusLayered Necklaces       



Valobra Master Jewelers –



Noah CyrusStatement Rings, Diamond Necklace



Valobra Master Jewelers –



Now it is time for you to decide….  What do you think is just a trend and what do you think is a timeless classic?